Want you to be my ticket to ride lyrics riverdale
Want you to be my ticket to ride lyrics riverdale

want you to be my ticket to ride lyrics riverdale

I could see the "request" in my parent's eyes, but since we had company, I knew that the request would remain unspoken, and since their friends were way too polite to do anything but smile politely and listen, while praying for the album to end, I had their captive ears. I ignored that request when I forced my parents and their guests to be my audience as I performed my rendition of the "Alice in Wonderland" album in our living room. (until my mother snatched off her flip flop and bopped me in the head) I ignored that request back when I was 4 or 5, riding in the Dodge Dart with my family, singing "Puff the Magic Dragon" at the top of my lungs. I've been asked repeatedly throughout my life to refrain from singing. I pretend to be happy for the bitch to my right who just won. I wonder if I have time to add a little lip gloss and I suck in my stomach, ready to go. I prepare myself for the long walk to claim my prize.

want you to be my ticket to ride lyrics riverdale

My beating heart won't be controlled and again my mouth is bone dry with anticipation. I won't be fooled again and I don't even look at my ticket this time until after the first four numbers have been called. The 30 seconds finally pass and the caller begins the sequence. I scan the ground for the winning ticket. I wait, hoping that the winner has walked away or is stuck in the bathroom or lost their winning ticket. The caller repeats the numbers and gives the winner 30 seconds to claim their prize. No one raises their hand to claim the prize. My plans for my winnings are dashed as the number caller says, "9", then "6". I realize that the winning numbers are the last two and that everyone has 7577_ _. I sneak a look at the ticket on my right - she's another winner - maybe. I have three of the numbers already! My little heart starts racing. As the number calling guy or chick begins saying the winning number, I stand in amazement - 7. It's amazing how many of my hopes and dreams have gone into my purchase of these tickets. "keep this coupon" I'm holding on to the sucker. Number 757709 was my ticket for some drawing or the other and since it says. I usually don't follow instructions, but for some reason I felt a real compulsion to obey the ticket master. It has it's own place on my desk at work. I've had this blue ticket stub for almost 2 years. Think about it - maybe you can form a car or van pool in your community - or join an exisiting one.


My monthly cost is $87.50 - MUCH cheaper than the $60 parking bill I paid plus the cost of 4 tanks of gas per month. I suppose this is a commercial for ride sharing - help save the planet and lower your blood pressure at the same time. and my daughter Brooke says hov - like it's a word - she's wrong of course, but she lives in Delaware and that's how they are up there) I see the emperors blocking traffic every day. Now that I ride in the HOV lane (I say H.O.V. I want to thank you for ensuring that I don't suffer from low blood pressure (marked increase in my numbers I'm sure during the ride). Each time you sped up and drove bumper to bumper with the car ahead of you to prevent my move. I drove behind you wondering if you were self employed with no appointments since you obviously were enjoying the lovely view of the downtown highway and were in no rush to get anywhere. I leave my home at 7am so that I'll make it to work by the 8:30 start time my boss has dictated. It was really fun watching all the cars jump in front of you, delaying us further. I'm beginning to understand that I probably don't need to drive at the speed I wish - you're there to regulate the speed of all the cars behind you and the crisp 40 MPH you determined should have been good enough for me. I realize that I am not an emperor of the world (as you obviously are) so should feel honored that you cut me off this morning in your haste to get into the far left lane of the "Connector" this morning.


That guy is the driver who fights to position himself in the far left lane then decides that going with the flow of traffic is too much to ask of him, so drives 10 or so MPH slower than all the other cars on the highway (except the poor drivers behind him). I commute to Buckhead from Riverdale daily and I want to share my thoughts with that guy. I ride in a commuter van with 8 other sweet people, and I've made a great friend because of the ride. I no longer drive "Guy" the 50 mile roundtrip to work every day. I'm much greener than I was in May when I wrote this little piece.

Want you to be my ticket to ride lyrics riverdale